Endorsed Candidate: Brianna Henries
Candidate for: House District 64 (E. Providence)
Endorsing committee: CARI Politics Team – East Bay region

Briana Henries, a political newcomer and member of the Rhode Island Political Cooperative, is challenging the Democratic incumbent in House District 64 (East Providence). Recognizing that the needs of the people of Rhode Island are poorly addressed by the General Assembly’s current politicians, she entered the race to effectively represent the people, rather than special interests. She particularly focuses on quality education, livable wages, affordable housing, and racial equity. She expresses a clear awareness of the need for urgent action to address the climate crisis, and promises strong support for environmental legislation like Act on Climate 2020.

Ms. Henries works to meet constituents where they are, eliciting and understanding their concerns and their needs. She seeks comprehensive solutions to today’s overriding threats of the Covid pandemic, its effects on jobs and our economy, and racial and social disparities. While climate change may not be the current most important concern for many Rhode Islanders, it is never far from Brianna’s mind. Looking ahead, she wonders about the world’s future, and whether she could responsibly begin her own family. Of Native American, African American, and Cape Verdean descent, she relates to the concerns of all the communities in her district.

Notably, the incumbent and party-endorsed representative from district 64, Jose “Joe” Serodio, has not completed CARI’s questionnaire, has not responded to repeated phone and electronic message requests for an interview, and has demonstrated essentially no evidence of climate-relevant legislative activity during his first term in the General Assembly. By contrast, Brianna Henries would bring a refreshing and proactive new energy to the State House. CARI is pleased to endorse her for State Representative in District 64.
