Youth climate activists protesting fossil fuel funding at Chase Bank in Providence on October 29th


PROVIDENCE, RI – OCTOBER 29, 2021 — With tattered clothing and ghoulishly painted faces activists expressed their fears of climate destruction by guising themselves as zombies doomed to wander an unlivable earth. As a part of a national Day of Action, Climate Action RI teamed up with the Jewish Youth Climate Movement of RI to descend upon the Chase Bank on Thayer Street in Providence to voice outrage over the profits that Chase and other financial institutions reap from by investing billions of dollars in fossil fuel production. Youth activists raised their voices to let Chase Bank know that profiting from the destruction of the planet’s climate and endangering their future is unacceptable. The continued production and burning of fossil fuels that overheats our earth’s atmosphere threatens the existence of human civilization as well as the planet’s ecosystems filled with millions of vulnerable species of plants and creatures. We all must speak out and tell financial institutions to cut off the money to fossil fuel productions and turn toward a renewable energy future!!!

Jewish Youth Climate Movement of RI and Climate Action RI activists gather in front of Chase Bank in Providence


JCYM activists voice their protest against fossil fuels


A youth climate activist zombie pleads for more renewable energy to save him from his dismal existence (


JCYM activists demand change to switch from fossil fuels to more renewable energy


Climate Action RI activists voice their demands for change (

