This spring and summer, CARI kicks off its first ever annual fundraiser, energized by a matching donation from Kim and Frohman Anderson, owners of Providence’s plant-based food hall, Plant City. The Andersons have committed to match up to $10,000 in donations.

CARI’s accomplishments span the spectrum and speak to the people power the organization wields:

  • Legislative wins: CARI cranked up political pressure to help pass the landmark Act on Climate and 100% RES to fully decarbonize electric supply by 2033
  • Climate champions: CARI moves the needle on support for climate legislation by endorsing climate champions–politicians with a proven record of climate action
  • Reducing methane: CARI’s Gas Busters uncovered urban leaks of methane, 28 to 100x more potent than C02
  • Climate messaging: Through signage and outreach, CARI has exposed tens of thousands of Rhode Islanders to accurate climate information and inspiring messages to take action
  • “Yes to Wind”: CARI’s state-wide campaign to counter misinformation and NIMBY-ism has already turned out dozens of activists to support offshore wind in Rhode Island and helped pass the Host Community Agreement between SouthCoast Wind and Portsmouth
  • Environmental justice: CARI partners with other environmental groups to prioritize comprehensive legislation aimed at achieving the goals codified in the Act on Climate, with important environmental justice planks

With increased funds, CARI plans to:

  • Double the number of CARI members who take action each month
  • Increase educational activities with outreach to target communities and schools
  • Initiate a campaign to electrify school buses in RI communities thereby reducing emissions and also childhood exposure to diesel fumes.
  • Target efforts to decarbonize local governments (buildings, fleets, and banking) and school districts
  • Establish an internship to educate tomorrow’s climate leaders on exercising political power inside and outside traditional channels, especially prioritizing those from underrepresented backgrounds
  • Advocate at state boards and commissions to push to fully implement the Act on Climate

Help CARI meet its $60K goal for this fundraiser by donating today. Stay tuned for more details on our letter writing campaign and picnic event with live music to coincide with its Annual Meeting this summer.

Checks can be mailed to Climate Action Rhode Island, c/o Treasurer, 2 Jason’s Grant Drive, Cumberland, RI, 02864 or donate now through the form below.
