Asia Climate Leadership Program

It’s time to organise, stop coal and build local renewable power. For a #FossilFree world


For the past 4 years, the climate web workshops have engaged climate leaders in the region, serving as a platform to showcase stories and experiences on frontline heroes and community organizing. It has also become a tool to expand the capacity of youth activists on various topics in the lead-up to the East Asia Climate Leadership Camp.

This year, we will be focusing on building capacity of new organizers on specific issues in the Asia region, including Asian finance, divestments and reinvestment, air pollution and climate solutions.

Youth leaders and organizers from various countries in the region alongside interested members of the existing Fossil Free East Asia Network will learn about financial flows funding fossil fuel projects in the region and reinvestment arguments. Participants will also be engaged in skills share sessions on community organizing and campaigning in various settings and contexts for three different issues, from campus-based activities, to engaging with interest groups and political strategies.

After the G20 gathering in Japan, we will host an offline gathering for the existing and new partners to meet in person through Asia Climate Leadership Camp # 5.



  • Goal 1: Build and strengthen a network of new organizers, focused on knowledge-building and coordinating similar in-country actions to result in region-wide strategies (e.g. school strikes youth organizing, solutions campaigning, divestment campaigns drawing from financier vs. recipient perspectives, campus divestment, etcetera).
  • Goal 2: Build capacity of local organizers on finance issues, centering discussions on how finance from Japan, Korea and China are funding new fossil fuel projects in the VIP countries.
  • Goal 3: Build capacity of local organizers on campaigning for certain issues: air pollution, divestment and solutions

Asia Climate Web Workshops

Long term Goal
  • To create a platform for exchange of learnings and ideas among partners in the Fossil Free East Asia Network;
  • To create a youth-led coalition of activists working on school strikes and campaigns in region-specific issues and build their capacity further;
  • To engage with partners on regional strategy discussion and communications;


2019 goal
  • To build on the school strikes momentum and sustain the interest of new organizers by introducing them to issues in the region and set the stage for campaigning on air pollution, divestment and solutions

Webinar schedule

Bi-monthly, Saturdays 8PM GMT+8

20 April Youth organizing for change: Building on the #SchoolStrikes momentum
04 May Air pollution and climate change
18 May  Divestment and reinvestment
01 June Climate solutions on the ground
08 June How do we resist? Laying the groundwork for regional collaboration and campaigning

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