Climate Action Policy Cover Letter from 41 Co-Signers
Numerous signers of the following cover letter were among over 110 attendees at the Ventura College Climate Action Summit on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 to hear Dr. Omar Clay present the latest science about climate change. A panel reported on
Suggested Policies for Housing Chapter VC General Plan Update
Suggested Policies for Housing Chapter of Ventura County General Plan Update
These policy suggestions focus on serious justice issues regarding homelessness, lack of available affordable housing, and the intersection with water and climate policy and implications for 'community character'. We
VC350 Climate Hub Recommended Policy Input from Dietrick Institute for Applied Insect Ecology for Agriculture Chapter of GPU
350 VC Climate Hub Policy Suggestions for Environmental Justice Chapter of the County General Plan
350 Ventura County Climate Hub Input for Policies
Environmental Justice Chapter
GOAL A: Develop an Environmental Justice Action Plan with targets for addressing impacts and needs as a framework for all planning decisions.
- Mapping. Gather modeling
350 VC Climate Hub Policy Suggestions – Emissions Reduction Section of Climate Action Plan
350 Ventura County Climate Hub Input for Policy
Emissions Reduction Section of Climate Chapter
GOAL A – Increase building energy efficiency xxx,xxx MT CO2/yr
- Enforce Title 24 Standards for Commercial and Residential Buildings for new and remodeled buildings