Each month, Citizens’ Climate Lobby supporters gather locally for a monthly meeting where we educate ourselves by listening to a guest speaker. May 13’s guest speaker is Dr. Natasha DeJarnett, of the American Public Health Association speaking on the ways burning of fossil fuels take a tremendous toll on public health, not only from the impact of climate change, but also from the pollution that leads to heart and respiratory problems.
We will celebrate our successes gathering signups at the Oxnard, Camarillo and Ventura Earth Days, Cara’s wonderful OpED in the VCStar “Earth Day Isn’t Easy” (be sure to read it by clicking here), Manual Bustamente’s two screenings of ‘Do the Math” at Ventura College, a very successful lobby visit to the District Director of our Member of Congress and a quick greeting and word for climate action with Representative Julia Brownley at the community forum last month at CUSCI (we are told she is trying harder to join the Bipartisan ClimateSolutions Caucus), great news that freshman Representative Salud Carbajal was recently invited to join the Climate Solutions Caucus. We’ll talk about reaching out to businesses, building a proactive outreach team, and practice a couple of ‘laser talks’.
We meet at Vicki Paul’s Home, 2238 Sanderling Street, (Montalvo) Ventura
Directions: Go south on Victoria and turn into Ventura Blvd OR Exit 101 and go uphill to Target intersection: Rent It Truck Rentals—Victoria Av & Ventura Blvd.
Don’t get confused; at this point there are TWO South Victoria Avenues. Head for frontage road off 101 but go one block, turn LEFT on Seahawk St. Go two blocks and turn LEFT on Grand Avenue and go one block, RIGHT on Bristol Road.
Go three blocks, turn LEFT on Hill Road [at the 7-11 ] Immediately turn RIGHT on Shearwater Street Welcome to the Bird Tracts. Bend left onto Sanderling Street: 2238 is on the right
RSVP if it is convenient to Vicki: [email protected] , cell: 805 535 5180 or Jan: [email protected] , cell: 805 746 5365