Thanks to those of you who joined us last night for Triangle Stop the Money Pipeline! Thanks to our speakers Donna Chavis, Peter Krull, TC Muhammad, Crystal Cavalier Keck, and Jason Campos Keck for taking the time to record videos for us to include in our program. Thanks to Jan and Paperhand Puppet Intervention for allowing us to use their inspiring “Look Listen Decide” video.

For those who might have had technical problems, or weren’t able to join us after all, here is the link to the recording.

Actions to Take!
Sign onto this letter to Governor Cooper, Senator Berger, and Speaker Moore. Spread the word!
We’re urging them to pass progressive climate legislation. Coming out of the crisis, we don’t want to return to how things were, but create a more sustainable, equitable world that puts justice and people first.
It’s still not too late to continue the tweets directed to Bank of America. As the largest funder of the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline, they need to #StoptheMoneyPipeline!!  Here’s a link to sample tweets.
Letter campaign to Bank of America CEO. Sign this letter to Mr. Moynihan, the CEO of Bank of America. We’re calling on Bank of America to stop funding fossil fuels, especially the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline, and to instead invest in communities, renewable energy, and more. Spread the word!
Letter Campaign to Wells Fargo CEO – Just like with our letter to Bank of America, we’re sending a letter to the CEO of Wells Fargo, Charles Scharf, to stop funding fossil fuels.
Stop The Money PipelineSign the petition to tell Wall Street and Congress: Put People Before Polluters
Green America has a great resource online to help you learn more about better banks, credit cards, and socially responsible investing. If you have been thinking about closing your account with one of the megabanks funding fossil fuels, this resource gives you tips on how.

If we were at the Chase Bank and Bank of America branches in Chapel Hill yesterday as originally planned, we would have had a few people cutting up their Chase credit cards and going inside both banks to announce they were closing their bank accounts with them since they are funding the climate crisis!

Sign to tell Chase Bank to go further on climate
Just Recovery – Sign onto the letter supporting the principles that call for a united global response to the COVID-19 pandemic that ensures a just recovery and transition to a better future for those most in need in the wake of this crisis.
People’s Bailout – Write to your representative and tell them we need an inclusive bailout, by and for the people!
NC United for Survival & Beyond –  A coalition of organizations that have co-created 10 demands of the NC General Assembly and Governor to respond to the most vulnerable communities during COVID-19… and beyond. Sign on and help spread the word.
Sign the Energy Justice NC Energy Choice petition
Check out the Fossil Free campaign
Increase pressure on Governor Bullock in Montana to halt the cross-border construction of the Keystone Pipeline underway amidst COVID-19.


Upcoming events  

April 25, 10 am – 12:30 pm – Missing and Murdered Indigenous March Online Rally in NC,  Facebook live gathering

June 20, 2020 Mass Poor People’s Assembly & Moral March on Washington is going digital

Thanks again!
Organizers of Triangle Stop the Money Pipeline