So much heartbreak and anger with the forced completion of the Mountain Valley Pipeline included in the debt ceiling bill early this month because of a deal with Senator Manchin, Congress, and President Biden! The provisions in the bill forces completion of the Mountain Valley Pipeline by requiring the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to issue permits for the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) within 21 days and prohibits judicial review of permits.
Last week they received the permits and yesterday the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) gave approval to move forward. POWHR statement here.
Anger and grief over MVP inclusion in debt deal are warranted, but the fight continues here.
For tree-sitter, no hiding from heartbreak of deal to greenlight Mountain Valley Pipeline here.
A powerful article by Denali Sai Nalamalapu from POWHR. Activists Risk Arrest — and Smoke Inhalation — to Fight Mountain Valley Pipeline here.
“The backdrop to our recent protest against the Mountain Valley Pipeline was the continent’s latest climate catastrophe.”
The fight against the MVP continues!
Call to Action on MVP’s degraded pipes! Because of the many violations and delays incurred over the years, the pipe has been sitting in the open sun, in some cases, for over five years, degrading the coating and making them even less safe. Off-site re-coating must be done BEFORE construction resumes. A link to a toolkit that gets updated with calls and actions you can take is here.
Environmental groups argue attempt to throw out MVP lawsuits unconstitutional. Press release here.
“Speaking on behalf of the endangered candy darter that once thrived in our creeks, something just smells fishy (and unconstitutional) about Congress passing a law that attempts to snuff out a valid lawsuit against a government agency simply by declaring the government the winner.” Indian Creek Watershed Association President Howdy Henritz.
Mountain Valley Pipeline Southgate Extension
Recently MVP has requested a three year extension from FERC to their certificate for the the MVP Southgate Pipeline, which would run through Rockingham and Alamance Counties in NC. Lisa Sorg’s article with more information here. The comment and intervenor period is open, but only for 15 days! Activists and partner groups are requesting 60 days.
Tell FERC NO! Deny Mountain Valley Pipeline’s Southgate Extension!
This pipeline is not in the public interest and the developers have not demonstrated its viability. Its threats remain — from disproportionately impacting communities along the pipeline route to endangering the waterways it would cross. This pipeline should NOT have a future! Sign here.
July 5, Comment Party
6:30-7:30 pm, online
Join 7 Directions of Service, POWHR, Appalachian Voices, and other partners to learn how to write and submit a comment, how to be an intervenor, and how to amplify the message that Southgate should NOT receive a 3 year extension for their certificate. Register here.
July 16, No MVP Southgate Community Event
3-5 pm, Haw River Ballroom (indoors), 1711 Saxapahaw-Bethlehem Church Rd, Saxapahaw, NC
Mountain Valley Pipeline Southgate Extension (MVPSE) grassroots resistance is ramping up due to the recent unjust fast-tracking of the MVP mainline in VA and WVA by Congress and the White House. Join MVPSE organizers and Water Protectors for an educational and artful event to get activated in the fight against the MVP Southgate Extension into Rockingham and Alamance Counties. Register here. Learn more here.
On Monday Rep. Valerie Foushee and Rep. Kathy Manning sent a letter to FERC requesting that “the Commission deny an extension of the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the MVP Southgate pipeline”. Both Congresswomen represent impacted MVP Southgate districts. Link to letter here.
Connected to the MVP Southgate. Tell Your NC Representatives to VOTE NO on HB 600 here!
This bill threatens to weaken tools to regulate toxic chemicals in our waters. It also aims to expedite 401 permitting processes, aimed specifically at MVP Southgate. It has passed the House and went to the Senate, where they added amendments, so now it’s back to the House.
Lisa Sorg’s article about HB 600 Analysis: Regulatory reform bill puts state on collision course with federal enviro law here.
More events and actions!
July 1, NC People’s Power Coalition — Statewide Day of Action
Local People’s Assemblies and Street Meetings Across the State! More information here.
Urge the Biden administration to shut down Line 5
The Line 5 oil pipeline is only a few yards away from imminent catastrophe in Wisconsin’s Bad River. It MUST be shut down and purged before any erosion exposes the pipeline to the river current and the elements. Send a letter here.
Tell Attorney General Garland to End Opposition to Youth Climate Justice here.
Tell the NC General Assembly: The People Want Rights of Nature here!
Urge Central Bankers to Defend People and Planet, NOT Big Oil and Gas here.
Help Stop the East African Crude Oil Pipeline, the world’s longest heated crude oil pipeline, here.
Tell the WMO and NOAA: Name climate disasters after fossil fuel companies here.
Hosted by Third Act, check out this recording of their Teach In: Power Up Communities! Public Utility Commission Advocacy here.
Global Temps Not Just Off the Chart, But Off the Wall the Chart Is Tacked To by Bill McKibben here.
Air and sea surface temperatures hit new records here.
“Carbon dioxide levels measured at NOAA’s Mauna Loa observatory in Hawaii peaked at 424 parts per million in May, continuing a steady climb further into territory not seen for millions of years.”
Doctors Are Quietly Teaching Americans About Climate Change here.
Mark your calendars for September 17 in New York City for the March to End Fossil Fuels! The United Nations Secretary-General is hosting a Climate Ambition Summit to demand that nations stop the fossil fuel expansion that is driving the climate emergency. Thousands will be marching to demand President Biden take bold action to End Fossil Fuels. Check out the recording of the launch call here and more info here.
Please take care of yourselves with this extreme heat and terrible air quality! Thanks for reading and for taking action.
Peace and love for our beautiful Earth, Karen