Clean-up of Local Contaminated Sites
West Lake Landfill
- Radioactive waste should be transferred from the EPA to the Army Corps of Engineers
- SB 22 should be passed guaranteeing a buyout of Spanish Village residents’ homes.
- Property Assurance for residents within 5 miles of the landfill
Carter Carburetor Factory
- Residents need to be better informed of the progress of cleanup of this site.
- Cleanup needs to occur at a rapid pace and be transparent to area residents.
Migrant and Refugee Rights
- Global migration and refugee crises are inextricably linked with climate change (Carrington, 2016). Our elected officials should make St. Louis a sanctuary city now (Altschuler & Markowitcz, 2016).
Combatting Racism
- The Saint Louis People’s Climate March endorses the principles of environmental justice, which “demands that public policy be based on mutual respect and justice for all peoples, free from any form of discrimination or bias” ( We must combat racism to be effective as an environmental movement.
- The St Louis City Police Officer’s business manager, Jeff Roorda is an inflammatory, divisive and racist figure. The St. Louis County Police Officer’s association has already fired him (Byers, 2016). It is now time for the St. Louis City Police to do the same.
- There shall be extensive input from communities of color, who are most targeted and surveilled by the police, in deciding how the funds approved by Proposition P “to improve police and public safety” shall be used.
- Water in 16 St Louis City schools have higher levels of lead than that found in Flint, Michigan (Randal & Germain, 2017). St. Louis City must commit to doubling funds to eliminate the contamination.
Renewable Energy
St. Louis City Government
- Mayor Krewson should sign the Compact of
- Mayor Krewson should commit to working to bring St. Louis’s electric system to 100% renewable energy by 2035 and all sectors, including transportation to 100% renewable energy by 2050.
Spire Pipeline
- Spire Energy must dismiss their proposed Spire STL Pipeline project–natural gas is not clean energy.
- Currently, Ameren is the largest polluter in the state and one of the largest in the country, especially when it comes to carbon emissions. They only source 1% of their power from wind and solar. Ameren must make a commitment to becoming 100% wind, solar, and water-powered by 2035.
- Pollution contributes to alarming rates of asthma attacks among children, especially African-American children. It is the #1 Reason for hospitalization of children at St. Louis Children’s Hospital and there are 9 times as any asthma-related emergency visits for African-American children versus Caucasian children (Green, 2012). Ameren should donate $5 million/year to programs that will address lack of asthma care and educational resources.