Endorsed Candidate: Meghan Kallman
Candidate for: State Senate, District 15 (Pawtucket / N. Providence)
Endorsing committee: CARI Politics Team – Pawtucket region

CARI enthusiastically endorses Meghan Kallman for State Senate District 15 (Pawtucket). Meghan identifies climate, economic justice, and housing as her top priorities, which she sees as deeply interrelated. She advocates for collaboration between labor and environmental groups, noting that the supposed choice between job creation “versus” caring for the environment is a false dichotomy. Advocating for infrastructure projects that provide jobs and also support environmental sustainability, she would like to see a much greater investment in renewable energy. CARI admires Meghan’s modern policy ideas: using unused mill buildings and parking lots to build solar farms; implementing a carbon tax at the state level; and revitalizing public transit. In fact, Meghan is a strong advocate for transit initiatives, to support accessibility and economic justice as well as the environment. She notes that RIPTA has ambitious plans for a more sustainable public transit program, but needs funding and support. Meghan states she would also advocate for better, more environmentally sustainable housing and more equitably distributed greenspace.

Currently, Meghan serves on the Pawtucket City Council, where she organized community activism against the Burrillville power plant and has worked on other environmental initiatives, including tree-planting, sewer lines, and fabric recycling. She has a track record of environmental activism, having served as the environmental coordinator for the RI Progressive Democrats and on the board of the Sierra Club. Finally, Meghan co-founded a nationwide nonprofit, Conceivable Future, which focuses on how the climate crisis shapes reproductive choices and prioritizes ending fossil fuels. We enthusiastically support her candidacy for State Senate!
