Endorsed Candidate: Cynthia Mendes

Candidate for: Senate District 18 (E. Providence/Pawtucket)

Endorsing committee: CARI Politics Team – East Bay region


CARI enthusiastically endorses Cynthia Mendes in the race for Senate District 18 (E. Providence / Pawtucket). Cynthia takes a holistic approach to the climate crisis, incorporating not only environmental safety and sustainability but also health, jobs, and equity. The Green New Deal is not just a label to her, but a set of principles she can explain clearly. She told our interviewers, “We’re made for this. If there’s ever been a time to go big and go bold, it’s 2020.”


Former CARI President Kendra Anderson wrote of Cynthia: “On my first day attending a training with Cynthia my ears perked up when she spoke. She had amazing insights about and passion for social justice. Cynthia was also there the day I gave my first speech on the RI State House steps for the ‘We The People’ rally. I was very nervous to climb the steep stairs in back of the State House, and then look way down at the people below to give my speech. After confiding in Cynthia about my fear, her wise words gave me the courage to speak and started our friendship. Cynthia is the embodiment of what it means to be a leader in the community. She has that rare ability to deliver powerful messages with brilliance and overflowing compassion, plus she makes things happen!”


Residents of Senate District 18, we encourage you to vote for change: elect Cynthia Mendes to the Senate.
