The Florida House of Representatives reconvenes this week. The Agricultural and Natural Resources Subcommittee is meeting tomorrow to vote on two pro-fracking bills, HB 1205 & 1209. These bills would allow for the permitting of fracking wells and securing trade secrets for the materials going into and out of the process. It is critical that citizens contact everyone on the subcommittee to express how important it is to not allow these two bills to be passed.

Please speak up today. You may use the sample below or your own words. We thank you in advance for making contact before the subcommittee meeting, at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Sample wording:
“My name is ______________. As a voting resident of Florida, I strongly oppose fracking. As a legislator, your responsibility is to protect and defend the public. You were elected to protect Florida’s environment and the health and well-being of all citizens. In keeping with the intent of Amendment 1, voted in last November, please oppose HB 1205 and 1209 in the Agricultural and Natural Resources Subcommittee on March 17. These two bills are the gateway to allowing fracking in Florida. Please vote against these bills. Do not allow fracking to be permitted in Florida. Thank you.”

Agriculture and Natural Resources Subcommittee

Chair Tom Goodson (R)
(850) 717-5050

Vice Chair Jake Raburn (R)
(850) 717-5057

Democratic Ranking Member Katie Edwards (D)
(850) 717-5098

Jim Boyd (R)
(850) 717-5071
[email protected]                                           

Neil Combee (R)
(850) 717-5039
[email protected]

Brad Drake (R)
(850) 717-5005
[email protected]

Bobby DuBose (D)
(850) 717-5094

Eric Eisnaugle (R)
(850) 717-5044

Larry Lee (D)
(850) 717-5084
[email protected]

Ray Pilon (R)
(850) 717-5072
[email protected]

Jimmie Smith (R)
(850) 717-5034

Jennifer Sullivan (R)
(850) 717-5031

Clovis Watson (D)
(850) 717-5020  

HB 1205 by Rodrigues, R., Pigman

Regulation of Oil and Gas Resources
Revises distribution of proceeds in Oil & Gas Tax Trust Fund to allocate proceeds to the Environmental Rapid Response Trust Fund; revises DEP rulemaking authority; provides that certain information considered proprietary business information; requires permits be obtained before performance of any high pressure well stimulation; requires Division of Resource Management to consider certain additional criteria when issuing permits; authorizes DEP to issue permits for performance of high pressure well stimulation; prohibits counties, municipalities, or other political subdivisions of state from adopting or establishing permitting programs for certain oil & gas activities; requires DEP to conduct study & submit report to Governor & Legislature; requires applicants & operators to provide certain surety; increases the maximum amount for civil penalties; requires DEP to designate national chemical registry as the state’s registry & adopt rules; requires well owners or operators to report certain information to registry.
Effective Date: July 1, 2015

HB 1209 by Rodrigues, R.
Public Records/High-pressure Well Stimulation Chemical Disclosure Registry 

Provides exemption from public records requirements for trade secrets contained within information relating to high-pressure well stimulations obtained by DEP in connection with DEP’s online high-pressure well stimulation chemical disclosure registry; provides procedures & requirements with respect to granting of confidential and exempt status; provides for disclosure under specified circumstances; provides for future review & repeal of exemption; provides statement of public necessity.
Effective Date: on the same date that HB 1205 or similar legislation takes effect
The Sierra Club is one good source for more information about fracking. Read Michael Brune’s blog here and watch the short video, Fracking 101.
We will be posting more information to you soon, as there are several bills, being considered this legislative session. 
Thanks again,
350 Pensacola Team