Middle and high school students from Escambia and Santa Rosa counties are invited to submit artwork for an exhibit at the Clean Energy Fest on Saturday, November 14. Explore the connections between energy and environment. How does the energy we use to power our homes and cars affect the environment? How can our energy choices help preserve a stable global climate? Deadline: Nov. 10 by 4 p.m.

Click below to download the Call for Student Art and Submission Form:

Student art exhibit–Clean Energy Fest 

What is clean energy? Clean energy comes from renewable sources, including the sun, the wind, or ocean waves, among others. Unlike fossil fuels, clean energy does not release “greenhouse gases” into the atmosphere. Today, more and more of our energy comes from these sources. But scientists say we need to move more quickly to replace dirty fossil fuels with clean energy. Clean energy has many benefits for our health and for the environment. It is better for all earthly creatures, from the tiny animals that form coral reefs to polar bears—and humans.

Clean Energy Student Art Exhibit. Entries may be in any two-dimensional visual art media on white paper no larger than 11” X 17.” Acceptable media include drawings, paintings, prints, and photographs. Students may use any type of paints, pencils, ink, markers, or crayons. Students sub- mitting artworks for the exhibit are asked to include a brief essay about their thoughts about clean energy and the environment and how their work expresses these thoughts and concerns.