Posts: Page 10

Using music to fight climate change and advocate for renewable future

By Cat Tuong/CHANGE/350Vietnam

Music has the magic power to connect and educate people, evoke inspiration, motivate actions as well as to heal the wounded souls. Climate change in Vietnam is still a complicated and hard-to-understand issue but its impacts are

Using music to fight climate change and advocate for renewable future

By Cat Tuong/CHANGE/350Vietnam

Music has the magic power to connect and educate people, evoke inspiration, motivate actions as well as to heal the wounded souls. Climate change in Vietnam is still a complicated and hard-to-understand issue but its impacts are

Rise for Climate Action Cape Town

Opinion piece Patrick Dowling Saturday, September the 8th is going to be a big day as thousands of people around

7 kıtada 95 ülkeden 900 etkinliğin 15’i Türkiye’deydi

İklim İçin Ses Ver / Rise For Climate adlı 8 Eylül Küresel İklim Eylem Günü’nde Türkiye’nin 15 ayrı noktasında iklim değişikliğine dikkat çekmek ve yaşanmakta olan iklim krizi hakkında çözümler üretmeleri için yerel yönetimlere çağrıda bulunan çeşitli etkinlikler düzenlendi. Küresel …

İklim krizine karşı Türkiye tek ses

Yerel yönetimlerin dikkatini her geçen gün daha da belirginleşen iklim krizine çekmek isteyen iklim hareketi gönüllüleri, 8 Eylül Cumartesi günü Türkiye’nin dört bir yanında sokaklar, meydanlar ve parklarda bir araya geliyor. Ülkenin 14 noktasında ‘İklim için Ses Ver‘mek için

23 NY State Candidates Sign Onto Climate Leadership Pledge

23 NY State Candidates Sign Onto Climate Leadership Pledge
New Pledge Outlines Commitment to Bold Action in Fight Against Climate Change

350Brooklyn is proud to announce that Cynthia Nixon, Zephyr Teachout and Leticia “Tish” James join more than 20 sitting …

23 NY State Candidates Sign Onto Climate Leadership Pledge

23 NY State Candidates Sign Onto Climate Leadership Pledge
New Pledge Outlines Commitment to Bold Action in Fight Against Climate Change

350Brooklyn is proud to announce that Cynthia Nixon, Zephyr Teachout and Leticia “Tish” James join more than 20 sitting …

23 NY State Candidates Sign Onto Climate Leadership Pledge


For the past several months, 350BK has been asking all candidates to sign the “Climate Leadership Pledge” and show their voters that if elected they will be climate leaders.

By signing the pledge, candidates …