Here's a post from Joanna, a organiser in Lund, Sweden:

It is often said that students are stuck in ivory towers, an academic world filled with funny sounding essays and little concrete action.  But today in Lund, the home of Sweden’s second oldest University, we have proven just the opposite.

For the Global Work Party, Lund students and community members are hard at work, getting dirty, and loving it.  Student organizers and participants come from every corner of the globe, from Ukraine to Mexico, USA to Russia.

This very minute upwards of 40 Work Party participants are hard at work in local urban gardens.  We are planting seeds, making mulch, winterizing the garden, and building a strong spirit of support for local agriculture.  This evening we are showing a climate film, holding a panel discussion on solutions, and signing a community pledge to affirm climate friendly behaviour in the student population.

The headline for our event is “Bla, bla, bla, bla – no, let’s get to work” and we chose this for good reason. Floods in Pakistan have shattered the livelihoods of millions.  The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced that the year 2010 is shaping up to be the warmest ever on record in the world’s history.  World leaders continue to move at a snail’s pace to reach a global climate agreement.  We’ve heard enough talk, now it’s time for action.

The community at Lund has decided to take matters into our own hands. As a microcosm of the world at large, we are proud to make a statement for solutions and hope.  If you need to find us, we’ll be in the garden.

Have a look at some of their amazing photos:

sites/all/files/sm_lund-sweden.jpg sites/all/files/lund.jpg


For more information, email Joanna at joanna[at]