Check out some great photos from organizers in Beijing, who attended the Modern Sky rock festival last weekend to help get the word out about their October 24 events! They set up a giant cube that represents the amount of CO2 emissions the average Chinese person produces in 11 hours and had music fans paint inspiring images of a clean energy future on the side.
Music, art, and 350 go hand and hand, and we’re pumped that some of the lead organizers for our Beijing action are part of the Greening the Beige eco-minded artist collective, dedicated to greening Beijing through creative events, art projects, and now, an awesome Oct. 24th 350-bicycle train around someof the cities ancient landmarks. A big thanks to the Green Student Forum, China Youth Climate Action Network, the Green Long March, and other great groups and individuals which are part of the event.
Now’s a perfect time to be promoting your Oct. 24 event! Check out our action resources site for posters, flyers, and more.