On Sept 23rd, schools around New Zealand got to work in the 350 schools day of action (Oct 10th is in school holidays here).
There's nothing like the power of school students self-organising with all their mates–it spreads ripples of inspiration around them.
Often people talk of young people as the 'future leaders', just like they talk of the 'future impacts of climate change'. But just have a look at these photos–they tell a different story. They tell a story of young people leading the way now, with full knowledge that climate change is happening now.
And it's the same all around the world–whether it's in Ethiopia, the Marshall Islands, or in Vietnam, school students show incredible leadership in showing us the pathway to 350ppm. These are the people who will be at the heart of many many actions on 10/10/10.
Rock on!

Over 120 students at Marlborough Girls College cycled together to school. And they got noticed – check out these great photos that were in the local newspaper.
At Wellington Girls College, the teacher and student Ukulele band rocked out climate friendly songs to the lunchtime crowd.
Meanwhile, in Napier, primary school kids had a toy swap, where they got to trade their unwanted teddy bears for more desirable ones.
And there's so much more great stuff happening in every corner of New Zealand for 10/10/10!