We're excited for our latest "by the numbers" movement update (below) — Didn't get this dispatch in your inbox? Sign up here to make sure you're first on the list to get future updates: 350.org/signup
Dear friend,
The last few weeks have been some of the most hectic in the short history of 350.org.
It's been hard to keep up: since the beginning of the month, we've launched brand new campaigns, organized rapid-response rallies, and signed up tens of thousands of new supporters with 350.org.
With all that's been happening–and with all the new people who are just getting acquainted with this movement–we thought it was time to do a bit of a recap. And since we're quite fond of numbers here at 350.org (after all, we did name our entire campaign after one) we figured that the best way to tell the story of our campaign is through a few quick stats.
So here it is: the 350 movement–past, present and future–by the numbers
• 98 seconds: The length of our first, wordless video that explains our campaign and launched 350.org into the world. It's now been viewed hundreds of thousands of times.
• 5,281: Events (in 181 countries!) in last years International Day of Climate action coordinated by 350.org. It was recently called "largest ever coordinated global rally of any kind" by Foreign Policy Magazine.
• Thousands: Media stories–many of them on front pages of everything from The New York Times to Google News–about local 350 actions over the last year.
• 25,712: Photos in our Flickr account from 350 events around the world. If you looked at each photo for just 3 seconds each, it would take more than 21 hours to view them all. This movement is MASSIVE.
• 112: Number of Countries that officially endorsed 350ppm (the safe upper limit for CO2 in the atmosphere) during the Copenhagen Climate Talks, thanks in part to the strong support and pressure from civil society.
• 50 Feet (over 15 meters): Length of the hand-painted banner reading "Obama: This Is Your Crude Awakening" held in front of the White House for a rally and delivery of the BP Oil Spill petition…
• 284,000 Thousand: People that signed a combined petition assembled by 350.org that demands a switch from offshore drilling to clean energy.
• 113,043: The number of people in the 1 Million Strong Against Offshore Drilling Facebook Group, and growing by thousands every single day.
• 131: Campuses already signed up for the Great Power Race, a clean energy competition for students in India, China, and the U.S. convened by 350.org and launched just one week ago.
• Ten: This year's magic number–we've teamed up with the 10:10 campaign (which is devoted to cutting emissions 10% in 2010) to bring you "The Global Work Party" on 10/10/10. Pardon us, that's a lot of tens.
• 1,000: Number of work parties already registered for 10/10/10–it's shaping up to be a day that will unite thousands of communities around the world around climate solutions that can get the world back to 350. If your town isn't on the map, consider signing up.
• 392.39: Current Concentration of CO2, in "parts per million" in the atmosphere. We're trying to get back below 350, so that means it's time for an emergency mobilization.
• 1: The number of people that it takes to jump-start a movement in your community.
Of all the numbers, that last one is most important. This entire campaign depends on people like you to step up and take action.
If you haven't already gotten involved in the 350 campaign, please do connect with us today–find or start a local event for 10/10/10, join the anti-drilling movement on facebook, or simply spread the word.
So many thanks for all you've done–and all you'll do–to build this movement.
May Boeve for the whole 350.org team.
P.S. We think these numbers are worth spreading–so we've made it easy share this list with just a couple of clicks on Facebook and Twitter.