

I'm about three days behind in emails right now–things have gotten incredibly busy in the lead-up to the big day.  It's the most challenging time for keeping a handle on one's inbox, but it's also the most fun.  I'd guess about half of my emails these days are about plans for events and stories of people getting to work on climate solutions.

I note the three day lag because this email from our friend Tatiana came in three days ago across a network of youth from Russia, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus and Central Asia, but reading it just now is one more reminder of the inspiration and collaborative spirit of the 10 October day.

Dear all!

It's so exciting to read news from all your countries how 10/10/10 is preparing to blossom in beautiful actions!
Some fresh news from Russia – we have big plans in Moscow 🙂
The fresh news she referred to was the plan to launch 10 new recycling centers in public parks across Moscow.  The organizers are combining the installment of the recycling bins with a city-wide awareness and engagement campaign, talking to people about how to use the centers, the connections between climate change and recycling, and how they can make a positive difference.
Hard to believe, for those of us who spend a lot of time online, but I can't wait to dig back in and see what other new organizing news is awaiting me.  Just thought I would stop a moment and share some with the world as well.