There are few arbiters of eco-cool that do their jobs as well as GOOD.  They describe themselves as "a collaboration of individuals, businesses, and nonprofits pushing the world forward."  And they do. 

Every month, they crank out another issue of their thought-provoking, solutions-packed, beautifully-designed magazine.  But as the web-guy at, what’s more impressive is their rich online content–everything from viral videos to interactive educational displays–that highlight some of the best ideas and stories on the planet.

Which is why we in the 350 movement are honored to have mentioned on several occasions by GOOD–most recently in the "GOOD 100 – a list of people, businesses, projects, organizations, and ideas that will be improving the planet and the lives of the people on it."   The whole list is well worth checking out, as is the interactive display that featured the 350 movement a few months back.

From the whole 350 movement to the whole GOOD team: Thanks.  Y’all are good people.  Shameless, pathetic pun completely intended.