It always feels a bit like deja vu to arrive at the UN climate talks as a resident of the ever-laggard United States.

This is even more notable as talks open in China–the country that represents future economic development. Jah Ying, 350's China coordinator, and I are here to discuss 10/10 and the Great Power Race.

But what I'm really excited to see, as I monitor news from the U.S., is the outpouring of that 2008 spirit for hope and change, as represented by the One Nation Working Together march in Washington on Saturday.
Our very own Bill McKibben took the stage alongside Phaedra Ellis-Lampkins of Green for All, Ben Jealous of the NAACP, Bob King of the UAW, and Richard Trumpka of the AFL-CIO. If our movements continue to come together, we've got the numbers we need, that we've so far been lacking to really urge change in the U.S.