We are really excited to hear that the entire city of Albany, California (pop. 20,000), located on the east side of the San Francisco Bay, will be getting to work on 10/10/10. In conjunction with their very active Transition Town, every residence will be receiving a 10/10/10 flier, strategically located in their garbage bill, to alert them about the 350.org Global Work Party. The flier includes photos of Albany 350 actions, information about the science of 350 and a bunch of great work party ideas. Additional fliers will be posted at local venues.

To sweeten the pot, the city will provide free Bay-friendly native plants, shrubs and trees to those who wish to garden or plant street trees. Further encouragement is also being offered in the form of eco-friendly prizes for the most creative efforts with the best level of participation that reduce greenhouse gas levels.

Albany was an active participant in the first International Day of Climate Action last year but this city-wide outreach and effort is unprecedented. Perhaps your city or town can do the same? It couldn't hurt to ask!