This is just a reminder that we don’t have a general meeting tonight, 4/22. Instead, you can spend this evening making a sign for Friday’s live demonstration and rally. (We’ll send you some sign-making tips after you register.)
Our first in-person event in more than a year comes up on Friday, April 23. At a safe social distance and masked, we’ll meet at 4:30 PM on the sidewalk in front of Chase Bank in Eureka (337 F St).
Chase is the largest funder of climate change in the world, lending more than $51 billion dollars to fossil fuel projects in 2020 alone. Our rally will make the point to Chase customers and the public that banking with Chase is banking on disaster.
We hope you’ll join us, but to be sure we follow county guidelines on public events Please Register Here:
The rally is limited to 50 people, and when you register you’ll receive further details including advice on sign-making. Then the rally will move three blocks to the County Courthouse where we’ll continue to raise the spirit of Earth Day. You’ll receive more detailed instructions about the demonstration, sign-making, and messaging upon registering.
We look forward to seeing you tomorrow!
All best,
The 350 Humboldt Steering Committee