350 Humboldt invites you to hear Gary Hughes of the international organization Biofuels Watch. He will be focusing on a new proposal for two huge factories that would export wood pellets for burning in power plants in other countries.

The zoom link and the entire agenda are below. The meeting starts at 6pm Thursday the 26th.



Link to agenda and notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18w_k7-lw6xmVKaj–kUGuJyzJ0aGhDIrhXKn_pDUn3A/edit

Facilitator: Dan Chandler

Notes:  Nancy Ihara

Land Acknowledgement: “350 Humboldt would like to acknowledge that where we live and hold our meetings in Humboldt County is on unceded territory and the ancestral homeland of indigenous nations which include Tolowa, Hupa, Karuk, Mattole, Wailaki, Wiyot, and Yurok.

We thank indigenous nations who have been caretakers of the land. Additionally, we recognize that the well-being of all people is bound up with that of indigenous peoples, and we must all take action on the climate.”

This month our commitment to the caretakers of the land requires that we contribute to the Resighini Rancheria (http://resighinirancheria.com ), which includes the Yurok Tribe. The Resighini Rancheria is one of four tribes to make up the Tribal Marine Stewards Network (https://tribalmsn.org/who-we-are/ ).

We also want to show this short video of tribal leaders in Washington State talking about their needs for climate adaptation. The context is that the Bureau of Indian Affairs is granting $466 million over the next five years to tribal groups for climate adaptation.


1.     Guest Speaker: Gary Hughes of Biofuels Watch talking about the two gigantic industrial wood pellet export sites being proposed for California’s forests

2.     Art work (art this month rather than poem): Scroll to the end. The art and article are available at https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2023/01/anthropocene-anti-humanism-transhumanism-apocalypse-predictions/672230/

3.     Check in. What feelings does the picture and its caption raise for you? Does it prompt visual or thought associations?

4.    Quick action, petition or phone call: Add your name to the petition! Urge Attorney General Garland to end the DOJ’s opposition to the Juliana case proceeding to trial.

5.     The March 21 Third Act action against the banks funding climate destruction: Martha Walden

6.     Action Alert: Bus Adventure #3

7.     Committee reports

·      Book club – Deborah Dukes

January 23, 7pm: Venomous Lumpsucker, by Ned Beauman.

A climate comic satire about the generation of “diversity credits” (similar to carbon credits) which allow companies to kill off species if they buy credits which keep genomes in biobanks. A good review is at: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/jul/17/venomous-lumpsucker-by-ned-beauman-review-mischievous-meaning-of-life-satire

ISBN-13: 9781641294126
Publisher: Soho Press, Incorporated
Publication date: 07/12/2022
Pages: 336

February 27, 7pm: The Light Pirate, by Lily Brooks-Dalton.

Set in the near future, this hopeful story of survival and resilience follows Wanda—a luminous child born out of a devastating hurricane—as she navigates a rapidly changing world: A “symphony of beauty and heartbreak” (Associated Press). A Good Morning America Book Club pick · #1 Indie Next pick · LibraryReads pick · Book of the Month Club selection ·  Marie Claire #ReadWithMC book club selection · 2022 NPR “Books We Love”

ISBN-13: 9781538708279
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
Publication date: 12/06/2022
Pages: 336

·      Legislative – Dan

Our package of short-lived climate pollution measures is at: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/pj6a2m4vmp5zv9n/AABs612z4gIx213XKfBIKmCEa?dl=0

·      Action and Outreach  – Nancy, Gail, Jamie, Jenifer

·      Refrigerants – Dan

·      Ag methane – Dan

·      Plastics and transportation: Available through the new Climate Action California

·      Transportation: local work with CRTP; statewide work with Climate Action California committee (Dan can hook you up to CAC committees)

·      Offshore wind – Cathy and Dan

Anyone wanting to work with Climate Action California is more than welcome to join the twice monthly meetings (7pm at second and fourth Tuesdays). Here is the Google doc where agenda and notes are kept, including the zoom link for the meetings: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1OxQazJC_dFyqDJLaXLnY3UwvuqYHwGcWg8OmZyQ9QwE/edit#