April 22nd is Earth Day. 350 Humboldt and the Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Climate Action Campaign will be holding a rally at 4:30 – 5:30 Friday the 22nd at the Courthouse in Eureka. Bandemonium will be there playing their hearts out!

The focus of the rally is to press our senators to support the President’s climate proposals. Thirty national environmental organizations will be leading a huge campaign that starts with Earth Day.

On Saturday April 23rd between 9 and 2 several climate-focused groups will be hosting art-oriented Earth Day activities adjacent to the Farmer’s Market –– including a composting demonstration and activities for kids. Look in the SW quadrant for tables and activities.

Look for more detail in your inbox on Monday for both events, but please plan now to attend.


Sierra Club

That’s why we’re urging Travelers Insurance to rule out working with oil and gas companies in the Arctic. Travelers is one of the biggest insurance companies in the country. By establishing a new policy, they will be a leader in fighting for human rights, our climate, and sensitive ecosystems.

Sign the petition! Tell Travelers to take a stand and cut ties with the companies drilling in the Arctic.

Public Citizen

Insurance companies in California are trying to hide their support for fossil fuel companies.

Fortunately, the state legislature is considering a bill (AB 1694) that would require insurance companies to publicly disclose the support they provide for fossil fuels.

If we can get this bill across the finish line, insurers would have to disclose their investments in coal, oil, and gas.

But the insurance companies will kill AB 1694 in committee unless your assembly member sees overwhelming support from Californians like you.

Contact your representative in the California Assembly now.

Center for Biological Diversity

The U.S. federal government is the single largest consumer in the world and can leverage its purchasing power to catalyze a sustainable marketplace. Its spending strategy can act as a market leader, driving change across entire industries. It has the power to significantly reduce the production of plastic and its disposal in landfills and incinerators and spur demand for better alternatives.

Urge the General Services Administration, the procurement arm of the government, to prohibit federal agencies from buying single-use plastic products.


Please join our letter-writing group Sunday evenings at 7pm. It is a time to write letters and postcards, chat, and get information about the latest letter writing campaigns.


From Activate America (Formerly Flip the West): California Campaign

Sign up to postcard in CA-40. We’re postcarding Democratic voters in three districts who have missed elections before to make sure that they don’t sit this one out. You will be writing to support specific progressive candidates.

Third Act – Bill McKibben’s new group is postcarding

Let’s join together as Third Act’s Democracy Force to write postcards and mobilize voters in Arizona and Pennsylvania to request their vote-by-mail ballot in time for Midterm Primary Elections. Learn more below about why postcards and mail voting are vital and effective at increasing turnout.


Vote Forward: Here is a new advance in targeting letters to where they make most difference. If you write to voters, please take a look.

The redistricting process has changed district lines across the country for this year’s midterm elections. As maps are finalized or congressional districts become more competitive, we’ll add letter writing campaigns to reach those voters–our first congressional district-level campaigns are already live!

If you’re unsure about which state or district to write letters to this year, you can use Swing Left’s new tool to help find your nearest competitive Swing District!

Check out the following email for more details, and head to swingleft.org/targets to get started.

— The Vote Forward Team

Postcards for swing states

We need your help to write 550,000 postcards to rally Democrats to vote in the Pennsylvania primary on May 17. Encouraging Democrats to make voting a habit now will ensure more of them will also vote in November.

Sign up now and we’ll mail you free postcards with the design below, along with instructions and voter lists. Volunteers need to provide the postcard stamps. You’ll pick from three messages that we’re testing as the first step of signing up. You’ll have until May 6 to finish writing the postcards.

Environmental Voter Project

Our next postcarding campaign will be to Colorado voters ahead of their June 28th state primary!

We’ll be sending postcards to environmental voters who voted in the 2020 General Election, but are unlikely to vote in midterm elections based on their previous voting history. We expect to begin mailing out packages of postcards to signed-up volunteers beginning in late March, and the required “mail-to-voters” date for this round of postcards is on Monday, June 6th.

This sign up form is only for trained EVP postcarding volunteers. New postcarding volunteers should sign up for an orientation below.

If you have not already attended an EVP postcard training, please sign up for one of the 45 minute trainings below. We use very specific designs and messaging that are optimized to increase turnout, so we require all our postcarding volunteers to receive an EVP training before sending postcards.


Here is Frederica describes what they are doing:

I am administering a postcarding network in Humboldt County (presently over 300 writers) and we supply postcards and stamps to writers, which are available for cost at several convenient pickup locations. Have anyone interested in joining us contact me. We mostly postcard for ROV (Reclaim Our Vote), which is non-partisan, but have also postcarded for Activate America (which used to be called Flip the West), which is partisan.

She can be reached at: [email protected]