Our January general meeting is tomorrow, Wednesday January 3rd, at 6 pm. Our speaker will be Ben Winker from Zero Waste Humboldt and our poet is Tony Wallin-Sato. Full agenda below. Please pass this invitation to any of your friends who might want find out about 350 Humboldt or take climate action.
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82415260158?pwd=SHY0dENuZ3o5MXFSRExLd3kxeE9iQT09
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Facilitator: Martha Walden
Notes: Dan Chandler
Land Acknowledgement: 350 Humboldt would like to acknowledge that where we live and hold our meetings in Humboldt County is on unceded territory and the ancestral homeland of indigenous nations which include Tolowa, Hupa, Karuk, Mattole, Wailaki, Wiyot, and Yurok.
We thank indigenous nations who have been caretakers of the land. Additionally, we recognize that the well-being of all people is bound up with that of indigenous peoples, and we must all take action on the climate.”
Therefore we will support the Hoopa Valley Tribe who just acquired 10,395 acres of land bordering Hoopa Valley Tribe Reservation. When the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation was created in 1864, the Hoopa people lost access to and use of more than two-thirds of their ancestral lands. This acquisition brings their total to over 102,000 acres.
1. Poem: Tony Wallin-Sato
2. Check-in: What reactions did –poem raise
3. Presentation: Ben Winker, Zero Waste Humboldt
4. Other issues
- Nordic – Dan
- Methane in Humboldt County?
5. Teams updates
· Steering Committee – Martha
. Book club – Deborah Dukes – 4th Monday of each month. California Against the Sea Rossana Xia this Thursday at 7pm. Next up: Weather by Jenny Ofill 4th Monday at 7pm.
· Action and Outreach – Nancy, Gail, Jamie, Jenifer, Emilie.
· Refrigerants – Dan —
· Plastics and transportation: Available through the new Climate Action California (Dan can hook you up to the CAC committees)
· Offshore wind – Dan Cathy — Are meeting soon with Crowley and RWW
· Biomass – Martha, Nancy, Wendy.
· Agricultural methane – Dan — Petition and enteric methane research
· Bus Adventures Team – Cathy is taking a leave. We need another Bus Adventurers organizer.