Please join other 350 Humboldt members on Thursday the 24th at 6pm for our general meeting. We are continuing to meet at the Gazebo in Larson Park in Arcata. Please bring your own chair.
This month we have poet Timothy “Moth” Taylor and a talk on Bull Kelp Carbon sequestration by Dylan Kahle of CarbonBLU. The full agenda is below.
We hope to see everyone associated with 350 Humboldt in any way. It is a joy to be meeting in person.
350 Humboldt Steering Committee
350 Humboldt: Grass Roots Climate Action
Agenda: General Meeting August 24, Six PM, Larson Park Gazebo
Facilitator: Nancy Ihara
Notes: Jenifer Pace
Land Acknowledgement: 350 Humboldt would like to acknowledge that where we live and hold our meetings in Humboldt County is on unceded territory and the ancestral homeland of indigenous nations which include Tolowa, Hupa, Karuk, Mattole, Wailaki, Wiyot, and Yurok.
We thank indigenous nations who have been caretakers of the land. Additionally, we recognize that the well-being of all people is bound up with that of indigenous peoples, and we must all take action on the climate.”
Therefore we will support the Wet’Su’Weten who live on the west coast of Canada. In 2020, the Wet’suwet’en sued the Canadian government in court, calling on federal officials to step up efforts to lower the greenhouse gas emissions that are driving the climate crisis. (See:
1. Timothy “Moth” Taylor, poet
2. Check in. What is our reaction to Moth’s poem, what does it elicit?
3. Dylan Kahle of carbonBLU talks about Bull Kelp carbon sequestration
4. Teams updates
· Book club – Deborah Dukes book for August 28th (I Want a Better Catastrophe).
· Action and Outreach – Nancy, Gail, Jamie, Jenifer (Tabling at North Country Fair Sept 17-18; Prairie Creek is the 26th August)
· Refrigerants (small cans comments) – Dan
· Plastics and transportation: Available through the new Climate Action California (Dan can hook you up to the CAC committees)
· Offshore wind – Dan in Cathy’s absence
· Biomass – Martha, Nancy, Wendy
· Bus Adventures Team – Cathy has a new trip planned:
Blue Lake Rancheria sustainability tour via public transportation Monday, Oct 2nd.