Here are some useful green links in the area!
Upcoming meetings of Elgin Green Groups
Working on solutions and getting them implemented!
Here is an organization that is working to prevent expansion of tar sand pipelines in Illinois: Save Our Illinois Land
An organization dedicated to preserving the Fox River and surrounding natural areas: Friends of the Fox River
A beloved organization dedicated to planting native plants: Wild Ones of Greater Kane County
A group in Elgin that explores holistic living and natural agriculture: Traditional Nutrition
An organization trying to pass national legislation to address climate change: Citizens Climate Lobby
Did you know Elgin has a Sustainability Commission? Elgin Sustainability Commission on the COE website
Learning to consume less: An Off Grid Life
Our beloved sister 350 organization just West of us in DeKalb: 350 Kishwaukee
And even further West in Rockford: Forest City 350
And East in Chicago: Chicago 350
And further East in Indiana: 350 Indiana-Calumet
Another Elgin group that works on environmental issues as well as peace and justice issues: Fox Valley Citizens for Peace and Justice FVCP&J