Atiya Jaffar Atiya Jaffar, October 13, 2015


Early last week we launched a plan to hold four days of sit-ins to welcome the next Prime Minister with a demand to freeze tar sands expansion and commit to a rapid, justice based transition to clean energy. The response was overwhelming. Since we hit send on that first email, hundreds of people have told us that they’re committed to risking arrest this November at the the Climate Welcome action.  

Here are some of the reasons why ordinary people across the country have been motivated to take action in an extraordinary way.

  1. There’s a growing realization that politicians won’t act until people push them.

“I harbour no illusions that without being peacefully confronted politicians will do what is necessary to really protect our environment from climate change – which is going to require vastly more than the agreements that are likely [to be made] in Paris.”

David – Burlington, Ontario

  1. …especially as we reach the end of an election period during which climate change has been largely neglected.

“I am aware that the climate issue has been disproportionately underplayed in the election campaign.  Thus it will be even more important to register this concern with whatever party constitutes the new government.  The December meeting in Paris is critical.”

John – Toronto, Ontario

  1. For parents, it’s as simple as fighting to leave a safe climate for their children.

“I am a mother to a small child and I owe it to him to fix the mistakes that we’ve made. We’ve wasted so much already by letting our humanity slip. I feel everyone must get up, out and act on making a change.”

Katrina – Nanaimo, BC

“I am participating in the climate welcome because I have three daughters and it is their world I am protecting. I am not afraid of being arrested for civil disobedience. The only thing I am afraid of is leaving a climate-destroyed world for my children”

– Cathy – Sudbury, Ontario


  1. Student divestment campaigners are ready to step off campus to strengthen their calls for climate action.

“I want to come to Ottawa because I’m involved in the fossil fuel divestment campaign at my university.  In order for divestment to have a real impact on climate policy, we need politicians who care about climate and will listen to people.  No matter who ends up as Prime Minister, we need to make it clear to them that as students, we expect strong climate leadership.”

– Lila – Toronto, Ontario

  1. To others, it’s clear that we have the solutions to the climate crisis but we have been unable to implement them because of a lack of political leadership.

“I’m heading to Ottawa to risk arrest because climate change is the defining issue of our time. Simple as that. Decades from now we will be looking at these years as the moment we either took action to ensure a safe and sustainable future, or not. I’m here for action. I grew up in a solar-powered house so I know what’s possible and I know that politicians that want to justify oil addiction with economic rhetoric aren’t telling the truth.”

– Jonathan – Kingston, Ontario


“I’m coming for all those around me exasperated with the inaction. Those who have given up on politics. Everyone I talk to around me wants a just environmental transition. Where’s the roadblock? We need some courageous political action to overcome business interests around the world. It is so achievable that it frustrates me. Decisive political action took us to the moon. Why can’t we transition to just sustainable energy in the same manner?”

– Geoffrey – Ottawa, Ontario

This November we have a chance to make history. A newly elected Prime Minister will receive a welcome unlike any other, when hundreds of people respond to the climate crisis’ urgent need for action by engaging in gentle, but serious action in front of 24 Sussex.
We need to make sure that the Prime Minister hears our powerful call for climate action and we just can’t do that without your help. Join the Climate Welcome action this November.