You can also learn more about “No on 2117” at Green Drinks! Green Drinks will be Sept. 19 in Cashmere at the EASTSIDE REBUILD TOOL LIBRARY!

Eastside Rebuild opened at 101 E. Railroad Ave., Cashmere, with a tool library inside business hub, Side Street Cashmere. It is currently open on Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Come and join us at 5:30 p.m. More details to come!

AUGUST 14 – Wenatchee Interfaith Climate Group meeting @ 1:00 – We look at the Climate Crisis through a Spiritual point of view and take actions in faith. If you are interested in joining us email [email protected]

Meet the 2024 climate criminals

The Common Dreams team has identified the following 24 individuals as the top climate criminals of 2024. Check out their profiles to learn about their crimes against the Earth, how they’ve profited off their crimes, and their connections within the polluter industrial complex.

For the best viewing experience, we recommend using a computer to explore this page: 
2024 CLIMATE CRIMINALS — Climate Criminals


Brian Moynihan                                    Thomas Karam                      Jamie Diamon
CEO Exxon                                              Equitrans                              CEO JPMorgan Chase

Sue Kane – Editor