New CCL-Wenatchee Valley Chapter!

Hi, Wenatchee Valley Climate advocates.

I am glad to invite you to the inaugural meeting of our Wenatchee Valley Chapter of the nationwide Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL).  We will get started on day-1 to collaborate with thousands of other CCL members nationwide, as we encourage our elected members of Congress to support our selected Congressional climate policies. We’ll also answer your questions about our new Wenatchee Valley Chapter of CCL.   Please read more about CCL and Register for the June 11 chapter meeting.

You can attend the meeting as a silent observer or as an active participant, either in person or on Zoom.

7:00-7:45 PM, June 11, 2nd Tuesday

I hope you can join us.  Please contact me with any questions.  Please forward this email to your friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers who may also want to “change climate change.”

Lee Alley

CCL-Wenatchee Valley Chapter Leader


[email protected]