Divestment Ordinance Day of Action, March 16th
Divestment Ordinance Day of Action on March 16th
Fellow Climate Activists
On February 23rd 2022, the Chicago City Council introduced an ordinance to have the City Treasurer’s Office fully divest the city from fossil fuel assets!
The Fossil Fuel …
As Chicago drafts its new Climate Action Plan, it’s important for us to weigh in. We have several ways to give input: fill out a survey, complete a participatory budget simulation, or host a listening session. See below for more …
Climate Action in a Post-COVID-19 World
By Timarie Diehl
April 14, 2020

The world economy has come to a grinding halt in response to the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, giving the …
(More...)Volunteer with 350 Chicago
We need volunteers to help further 350 Chicago’s objectives regarding fossil fuel divestment and mitigating the climate crisis. Our work includes campaigning to have Illinois divest from fossil fuel assets and ending the financing of fossil fuel infrastructure. 350 Chicago
… (More...)Urge Your Lawmakers to Support Key Climate Legislation
Contacting your lawmakers is an important action you can take to push for key climate priorities and legislation. Calling or emailing your local, state, and federal officials only takes a couple of minutes, and is a simple way to make …