Animation: Annihilation, Utopia, and Climate Change
Video by The Atlantic
“I’m not a fan of fiction that’s totally hopeless,” says Jeff VanderMeer, author of Annihilation, in an interview with The Atlantic, animated in the video above. “You find ways of documenting the world as
Fossil Fuels Trump Water
Reposted for Poor People’s Campaign, Demands
Ecological Devastation
Did you know 13.8 million U.S. households cannot afford water?
Federal assistance to local water systems is currently 74 percent below its peak in 1977. This has contributed to the inability …
(More...)Upcoming Action: Walk the Line, September 30th
Walk the Line – Pipelines carrying Tar Sands oil—the dirtiest form of oil there is—are running through our neighborhoods in Northwest Indiana. Join us on Sept. 30, 2017 as we walk along the path of the tar sands pipelines …
(More...)Current Priority Campaign: Divest Illinois
350 Chicago won fossil fuel divestment in the city of Chicago.
Now we intend to push Illinois to divest from fossil fuel assets.
Why Divestment?
Based on the climate math, we believe it is both a moral imperative and a …