350 Chicago’s next Monthly Speaker Series on 8/21 @ 6 pm — discusses the prospects of naturally occurring hydrogen to decarbonize heavy industry, air travel, shipping, trucking and more… Hydrogen, though super-abundant, has most often been found bonded with other atoms. The expense of breaking that bond — often using fossil fuels to do so — has proved a major barrier to the rapid switch to hydrogen in these sectors.
But what if you didn’t have to break the bond?
Join us for a talk by expert Dr. Geoffrey Ellis from the US Geologic Survey to explore the promise of natural hydrogen! RSVP here!
Natural hydrogen allows us to remove the expense of breaking the bond, and potentially allows us to transition rapidly from fossil fuels to clean hydrogen.
Just how much natural hydrogen is there? What challenges remain? Can we safely, and inexpensively mine this hydrogen in enough time to help stop climate change?
Join us and explore the promise of natural hydrogen! Register here!