COP21 in Paris is coming to the end, and we are looking forward to the final outcome. In terms of participation, the general performance of different parties and participants is very positive. The youth groups from NGO, of course, also play a very important role that cannot be ignored. For example, the global youth climate action launched by from the end of Nov. has evoked China’s young students’ passions and the sense of civic duty so that more than 40 schools from CYCAN campus network have join this event through various ways to express their concerns about climate change issues. Some good examples can be seen as below:
Beijing University of Technology

Through hosting an environmental protection salon activity, they have introduced the energy saving project of CYCAN, and the president has showed the general method of carbon accounting. Moreover, the participants have discussed the problems of climate change with the students.
Beijing Normal University

A theme event called “For Our Future ” has been carried out from 28th to 30th. By using posters, flyers and other communication tools designed by the students themselves, the knowledge of climate change issue has been spread among the campus.
Guangdong University of Technology

Through photos, video and other ways to display climate change in the classroom, as well as made some special propaganda items to maximize the volume of climate change related knowledge.
University of South China

Carried out the theme of “Energy-saving, Low Carbon Campus Construction” event, through the activities of the signing of the “energy-saving contract book” and the production of creative wall of environmental protection.
Nanjing University of Finance and Economics

Carried out “Monday Meatless” vegetarian theme event. Using recycled bottle to do publicity vegetarian environmental protection banner, and called on the students to sign, at the same time, launched micro-blogging for “Meatless Monday” online activities to challenge meatless meal on Monday, therefore, promoted carbon emission reduction, energy saving and environmental protection concept.
Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications

Launched the energy saving project in Colleges, shared the results of the University’s energy saving, and invited the energy saving teachers to evaluate and summarize the achievements of the project.
Tongji University
Nankai University

Green Action Group has carried out green salon activities. The team members Liu Han has summarized the first stage of carbon accounting and research process, as well as showed some suggestions on the next step; followed by team member Lin Mingliang sharing topic on climate change issue on his own ideas; finally is the key part of the salon, which theme is “the environmental issues of governance should rely on the law or discipline”; which are also worth pointing out are that a prize competition and micro-blogging lottery have aroused the enthusiasm of the audience.
Suzhou Normal University & University of Mining
Shandong University of Finance and Economics

Carried out the “Energy-saving with Books, Growing Together” activities. Introduced the environmental protection knowledge and background; also, discussion of energy saving and emission reduction were parts of the event.
South University of Forestry and Technology

Hosted Sharon discussion activities. The students had a heated discussion about how to solve the waste problem in the campus.