October 10, 2018 Asian Movements to IFC: Take Bolder Moves Away from Coal and Fossil Fuel Involvement! Peoples organizations, NGOs and other civil society groups from all over the world are gathered in Bali, Indonesia to raise their issues and calls on...
March 8, 2018 Why we need more women for our climate I am new to the climate movement but not powerless. I may be a novice from technical and complex discussions about climate change, but that...
September 13, 2017 Uprising Against Japan’s Coal Addiction By Marie Tanao “Clean coal” is a myth. Japan is behind the rest of the world in recognizing this truth. In 1992, the Ministry of...
June 2, 2017 Japanese groups protest the United States’ exit from the Paris Agreemtn A concerned group of citizens gathered in the front of the U.S. Embassy in Tokyo to take part in an emergency action hosted by Greenpeace...
May 30, 2017 On Paris, it’s Trump and the fossil fuel industry versus everyone else on earth In the past few years, reactionary politicians across the world have been seizing power with the backing of fossil fuel interests. One of those politicians,...
February 13, 2017 Matching urgency and ambition through local climate finance By Chuck Baclagon The science is clear. Climate change is the greatest threat of our time. It is a global phenomenon that at its very...
November 10, 2016 Rising above the wreckage By Chuck Baclagon Struggle is the tension between hope and desperation. It best describes the plight of the many who have gotten a glimpse of...
November 7, 2016 Duterte relents on Paris pact position By Chuck Baclagon President Duterte’s agreement to ratify the Paris climate agreement is welcome news for the Philippines. It opens the potential not just for...
July 29, 2016 The Struggle Deep in the Forests of the Philippines Last week, 350 Pilipinas coordinator, Zeph Repollo, was part of an international solidarity mission to a remote village of the Dulangan People in Mindanao, Philippines. Photo...
March 25, 2016 Good Friday and the tragedy of death amidst struggle Residents of Tondo, Manila dramatize their opposition to a coal stockpile on Monday, March 21, 2016 in a Lenten play dubbed as ‘Kalbaryo ng Mamamayan.’...