350NJ-ROCKLAND 350NJ-ROCKLAND, January 20, 2019

Five of us did a great job at the conference in Montclair. The title of the event was the “Acting Locally for a More Sustainable World Conference.” There were about 100 people there.  The conference was focused on issues like community gardens, organic food, and local sustainability. We raised about money (yay!!); we about some signatures on the NJ Pension Divestment petition (yay!!); had got some other email list sign-ups (yay!!); gave out a bunch of literature (yay!!); and we had a great looking table in a great location (double “yay!!”; check out the pictures).

Jane and Ted modeled our blue 350NJ Climate Advocate shirts. Thanks also to Bill, Sam, and John for staffing the event!


[Yup – That’s Pope Francis hanging out with us 😉 ]


Divest from fossil fuels!!!
